This week, Ryan and Brian revisit NPL puzzles and learn a little something about the history of the diagramless, but the feature of the day is FOOD! Special guests Laura Braunstein and Ben Smith take us to Foodie Faceoff!
- Baseball
- Food - Beets, cauliflower/feta
- Viewer Mail
- B as the 7th of something - the C maj scale
- Viewer Mail of the Week: Ryan's amazing cricket analogy
- History of the diagramless crossword
- NPL flats and con attendance
- Announcements
- Boswords - Boston Crossword Tournament
- Lollapuzzoola 12 - Coming Sat Aug 17 (a Saturday in August)
- Learned League Foodie Faceoff with Laura Braunstein and Ben Smith
- Contest
- Then - Pirates. Winners: Tyler Hinman and Jeremy Horwitz
- Now - 1000 bananas and a camel
- Thunder Round
Puzzles Reviewed[]
- NYT Mon 7/22/2019
- NYT Tue 7/23/2019
- NYT Wed 7/24/2019
- NYT Thu 7/25/2019
- NYT Fri 7/26/2019
- NYT Sat 7/27/2019
- NYT Sun 7/28/2019
People Mentioned[]