Fill Me In Wiki
Fill Me In Wiki

If you provide photographic proof that you listened to the show while in an airplane in the sky, you are eligible for entry into this club.

The original name of this club was The Bruce Ryan FMI Mile High Club, when listener Bruce Ryan submitted photographic evidence of himself listening to the show while on an airplane.

Listener Barbara Kay joined the club by sending in a photo of herself taken on a Saturday while both listening to the show and piloting a plane whose pressure altimeter read exactly 5,280 feet above mean sea level. This club was then given a new name:

The Barbara Kay (nee Bruce Ryan) FMI Altitude Where the Air Pressure Would Be One Mile Above Mean Sea Level on a Saturday Club

In Episode 383, Ryan Hecht named this list The Manifest.

Ideally, we would have pictures on this page.

  • Bruce Ryan
  • Barbara Kay
  • Eric Peterson
  • Evan Shapiro